Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is the meaning of the African name Umaru ?

Does anyone know its meaning or what African tribe it originates from? I was told it means " Great Warrior".

What is the meaning of the African name Umaru ?
First a point of correction. Umaru is not an African name. It is an Arabic name that came into prominence because of its bearer who was a companion of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Umaru was a great warrior during his lifetime and became the second Leader of the Muslim Nation after the demise of the Holy Prophet of Islam. The Muslims (followers of Islamic Religion) generally have the belief that names follow the traits of there first owners, hence there preference in naming children after such legendary icons.


  1. The story you described is about Omar.
    Umaru is slightly different in spelling.
    This spelling is commonly used bij the Fulbhe-tribe..

    Omar means to prosper, so does Oumarou/Umaru

  2. Umaru and Oumaru are both the same as Omar. It depends on the writing in Arabic. the Fulbhe, Fulani or Peul tribe read Arabic with the symbols so the pronunciation changes from Omar to Umaru, meaning Prosperity or long life.

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