Thursday, April 15, 2010

When will O-boy name an African American to his cabinet?

Probably won't. Only Republicans do that. It amazes me, how minorities vote Democrat, yet Republicans are the only ones that put minorities in positions of power when elected. Mr Bush had the most diverse cabinet ever seated. Look at Mr Clinton's. oops, that's right, Obama is nominating an AG named Token, my bad.

When will O-boy name an African American to his cabinet?
First of all Obama is Half white.

Beyond that, I would like to think that he will appoint the best candidate for each job, and not be immersed in the colour issue,as you are presenting yourself. Martin Luther King JR. said that he looked forward to a time when his children were not judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I think it sad that a Canadian has to remind you of that fact.
Reply: Why does he need to name an Africian American boy to is cabinet he was born in Kenya anyway and is an African American boy? His Kenyan brith was just covered up.
Reply:I am not an Obama fan, but I think he did already, the Attorney General. Whatever the situation, you have to speak the truth.
Reply:Ummm...well, he already has one as AG. Why? What's the point of this question? I don't know how many people would be wondering when John McCain named a white person to his cabinet if he had won so...
Reply:Is this a serious question?

Eric Holder is African-American.

You're just pulling our legs, right? You knew that?

Or did you?
Reply:I wasn't aware that that was a rule. I thought the president could hire who ever he thought would be best for the job. Didn't know they had to be a certain race.
Reply:He has.

Eric Holder

Atty General
Reply:He already has, who do you think is Attorney General, weren't you just watching your source? Foxnews?
Reply:Where have you been?

He's appointing Eric Holder as Attorney General. That's been in the news for almost a week.

Reply:Haven't thought about it. Glad you have that on your mind.

Oh, dk, dc.


The Clinton's.
Reply:I understand Charlize Theron is up for a cabinet post. She is African-American.
Reply:Shouldn't he name people he feels are the best qualified regardless of race and/or gender?
Reply:The attorney general will be a black guy.
Reply:Why, you interested?
Reply:He does not need them any more he won !
Reply:when people stop bickering about him
Reply:last week
Reply:i could have sworn he did
Reply:That is a silly question. He will elect whoever he feels is qualified to do that position.

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